Deborah E. Rupp
PhD, joined the George Mason University faculty as Professor of Psychology in the Fall of 2019. She was formerly Professor and William C. Byham Chair in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Research Integrity Officer at Purdue University; and previous to that, Associate Professor of Psychology, Labor/Employment Relations, and Law at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research has focused on legal issues surrounding human resource management and equal employment opportunity; organizational justice, behavioral ethics, and corporate social responsibility; as well as issues surrounding testing and assessment by organizations. Her research has been cited in U.S. Supreme Court proceedings, and she has consulted to myriad organizations around the world. She has published six books and over 100 papers and chapters, sits on the editorial boards of five journals, and is the former Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Management. She also served on the Executive Board of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and currently sits on the advisory boards of Amazon Conservation Team, Pinsight, the Thornton Institute for Assessment Centers, and the Georgia Tech Work Science Center.