
Assessment Centres: Unlocking People Potential for Growth
While technology is enhancing every aspect of an Assessment Centre (AC), it remains a real art and skill to design and implement an AC. Assessment Centres: Unlocking People Potential for Growth is a complete 'how to' book that focuses on practical execution. In addition, it includes numerous case studies as examples of the principles discussed. It unpacks the adapted AC Design Model and, in addition, addresses topical issues around ACs, including:
- the different purposes that ACs are used for;
- what AC practitioners should consider when using ACs;
- why strategic positioning of an AC is important;
- the business case for ACs in organisations;
- the Code of Ethics for ACs;
- assessment Centre Policy.
Assessment Center Perspectives for Talent Management Strategies
Written by three leading scholars with vast experience in the science and practice of assessment centers (ACs), this is the first volume to comprehensively integrate variations of the assessment center method with alternative talent management strategies. A useful reference guide, it examines the many ways in which organizations can apply the assessment center method to achieve their talent management goals. It provides balanced and in-depth coverage of theory, research, and practice pertaining to the dimension-, task-, and multifaceted-perspectives on the AC method. Ideal for researchers, practitioners, and students alike, and well suited for courses in testing and measurement, personnel selection, HR planning and staffing, training and development, and organizational change, Assessment Center Perspectives for Talent Management Strategies is a complete and up-to-date account of the assessment center method.
Developing Organizational Simulations
A Guide for Practitioners, Students, and Researchers
This second edition of Developing Organizational Simulations provides a concise source of information on effective and practical methods for constructing simulation exercises for the assessment of psychological characteristics relevant to effectiveness in work organizations. Incorporating new additions such as the multiple ways technology can be used in the design, delivery, scoring, and evaluating of simulation exercises, as well as the delivery of feedback based on the results, this book is user-friendly with practical how-to guidance, including many graphics, boxes, and examples. This book is ideal for practitioners, consultants, HR specialists, students, and researchers in need of guidance developing organizational simulations for personnel selection, promotion, diagnosis, training, or research. It is also suited for courses, workshops, and training programs in testing and measurement, personnel selection, training and development, and research methodology.
Grey Behaviors after Logical Fallacies in Public and Professional Communication
This 142 page practical guide enables readers to recognize, assess, and defend against grey behaviors—attempts to persuade listeners using fallacious arguments. It provides valuable tools for communicating successfully in a wide variety of public and professional contexts. We call the speaker's behavior "grey behaviors" because they can range from light to dark. Grey Behavior is the reaction of the speaker to a listener's feedback. It starts with committing a fallacy, getting feedback from a listener, and then reacting. Four levels of Grey Behavior are introduced in this book, including Quick Correction, Being Convinced, Recurrence of the Fallacy, and Compounding of Fallacies. This book analyzes behaviors occurring in dialogues between two fictional characters named Pat and Chris. Pat makes a claim which contains fallacious arguments. Chris gives feedback and tries to correct Pat's reasoning. Pat's reactions range from quick understanding and correction of the fallacy (light grey behavior) to failure to understand and then to compound multiple fallacies (dark grey behaviors). For each of 20 fallacies, we define the fallacy, give two examples, present the four dialogues involving a third example, each followed by analysis of the degree of grey behavior expressed by Pat. Periodically, SELF-ASSESSMENTS are interspersed among the 20 fallacies to provide you chances to check your understanding. This book provides research-based skills and insights that will benefit students and professionals in fields ranging from communication, politics, management, human resources, organizational psychology, journalism, and anyone else looking to develop critical interaction skills.