VisionThe global practice of Assessment Centres, in its digital and non-digital form, remains ethical and evidence-based, and it continues to provide high value to organizations and participants.
MissionOur mission is to create a collaborative network of scientists and practitioners who come together to study, discuss, share and develop Assessment Center practices around the world.
Purposes of the Assessment Centre Global Village- Establish and maintain a professional community to share information about the Assessment Centre method.
- Share requested information with Village members (in a timely manner).
- Support ethical, evidence-based Assessment Centre practices.
- Promote continued interest in the Assessment Centre method in light of declining research and applications in certain regions of the world, as well as reinforce recent surges of new interest in the Assessment Centre method in other regions of the world.
- Promote Assessment Centre practices that respect the rights of both organizations and individuals.
- Without violating proprietary rights, share information on developments and advances in Assessment Centre methods, products, and services.
- Promote research on the Assessment Centre method by identifying research needs, fostering cooperation between researchers and research sites, and sharing resources and data.
Assessment Centre Global Village Members Endorse the Following Basic Beliefs About Assessment Centre Methods- Valid assessments of individuals' competencies predict behaviour, effectiveness, and wellbeing, as well as organisational effectiveness.
- Individuals' ultimate behaviour, effectiveness, and wellbeing are a function of the joint effects and interaction of their competencies and life circumstances, and organisational work settings.
- Assessment Centres should adhere to international and country-specific guidelines, standards, regulations, codes and laws.
- Assessment Centres should be designed and implemented in different ways for different purposes.
- Assessment is an important precursor to development.
- An Assessment Centre must be integrated with the organisation's strategic plans and talent management systems.
- An Assessment Centre should be designed to fit organisational, national, cultural, and economic conditions.
- Each Assessment Centre should be based on theory and research.
- The practice of the Assessment Centre method will continue to evolve.
Value Proposition to MembersThe AC Global Village offer members:- Access to thought leadership around Assessment Centres
- Practical support from other Villagers
- Personal experience and exposure
Strengths of the AC Global Village:- International footprint, bringing an understanding of diversity
- Depth of Assessment Centre research
- Depth of Assessment Centre practice
Membership Membership are open to every person passionate about promoting evidence-based and ethical Assessment Centres and who has a track record of such promotion (depth of Assessment Centre research and or practice). Such a person must also be willing to actively share knowledge, skills and expertise, and actively participate in the Village activities.
Membership are subject to the existing AC Global Villagers approving / accepting the new member as a Villager.
Potential new members can apply to be accepted as a Villager, or an existing member can introduce a potential member.
Working Mechanisms- The role of Village co-ordinator will generally rotate amongst Villagers on an annual basis. This role is merely a co-ordination role and does not take away from every Villagers' responsibility to freely contribute to, participate in, and initiate action. The premise of the Village's existence is that each member both contribute and receives something of value from the combined efforts of the Villagers.
- The Villagers will meet quarterly to share ideas, discuss information of interest, provide feedback. The need for such a meeting will be determined by sending agenda items to the current Village co-ordinator. Ad-hoc meetings outside the scheduled two-monthly meetings may also take place.
- Although the meetings will be via electronic conference / meeting platforms such as Zoom and MSTeams, in-person meetings will also take place at conferences attended by most Villagers (as example the ICACMs, the ACSG, SIOP, etc.)
- Communication will be via emails, as well as via other suitable communication channels such as Slack.
- Projects will be executed based on project management principles, that is, someone will be the project lead, the Villagers who volunteer to be part of a project will be "held accountable" for deliverables, the scope of the project will be clearly defined and regular feedback will be given to the AC Global Village.
- New projects can be initiated by Villagers, or new projects can be requested by external parties such as organisations, universities, associations, governments and others.
- Typical "products" of the AC Village can be published articles (both peer reviewed articles in academic journals, as well as articles in business and other publications), white papers, conference presentations and workshops, chapters in books, surveys, and any other product or service agreed to by the AC Global Village.